Everyone’s a Band Geek… Everyone

20 07 2011

Band GeekI’m not 100% certain why “band geeks” represent the pinnacle of societal dorkdom, unless it’s simply that the sounds they create draw extra attention, but there you have it: band geeks.

I was a band geek. Six years of clarinet placed me squarely in that category. I geeked out over thicknesses of woodwind reeds, marching band choreography, and degree of air flow.

Being a band geek meant that you talked music lingo, hung with fellow “beeks”, fell into micro-cultures and inner cliques (because heaven forbid a sax player should roll with the trumpets, though the trumpet section always wound up dating the flutists… go figure) and generally became recognized as one of THOSE kids.

That last one, by the way, was the holy grail of band geeking. You didn’t belong until everyone else recognized you as such. This is a critical point to remember as you read on.

Sheer Geekery – We’re Surrounded!

EVERYONE is a “band geek” of one form or another.

I came to this particularly unusual theory on a particularly amusing bicycle ride, where the conversation turned to gear ratios, limit screws, cadence and racing tires. No average person, I realized, would have understood even a twelfth of that conversation.

But then, neither would they have understood the horsey chit-chat of my fellow equestrians, the techno-banter of my fellow designers, the title-packed talk of my fellow bookworms, the race chatter of my fellow runners…

Think about it. There are football geeks, grammar geeks, airplane geeks, art geeks, gardening geeks, church geeks and coupon geeks. And you’ve certainly met grill geeks, and goth geeks, and history geeks, and fashion geeks, and movie geeks, and EVERYONE knows at least one Dungeons & Dragons geek. There’s a “geek” title to crown every interest in existence.

Why? Because “geek” is really just another name for “person with a passion”. And that describes us all.

Geeking Out Over the Goods – Why People Buy

Let me ask you a question: Why does a customer who goes into their local sporting goods store for a pack of fish hooks walk out with the new Sonar-Activated, Quasi-Techline Rod Master 2000?

Because when he walked in, he found himself in the middle of a heated who-has-the-coolest-fishing-gear debate. And he added his two cents, and was validated by one or more participant. And he felt like a part of something – like he belonged – and it fed his enthusiasm. And a simple hook purchase turned into a back-slapping, you’re-gonna-love-it, cool-by-association rod purchase. And he drove home in a cloud of euphorically geeked up self esteem.

Don’t underestimate the power of that desire. It can be one of the most powerful reasons people buy.

But don’t take advantage of it either. A customer who’s been wrongly jockeyed into a purchase will eventually feel used and cheated. An embarrassed customer is not a repeat customer.

Moral of the Story – It’s All Geek to Me

Business owners, embrace your inner band geek. There’s a market for what you sell, and a gaggle of geeks for every market. Bring your passion into play, and you’ll draw those people who will best appreciate what you have to offer.

“Mr. Worf, scan that ship.” … “Aye, Captain. 300 dpi?”  ~ Anonymous (Star Trek + graphic design humor… gotta love it!)

Dawn M. Tomczyk  |  DMT Artistry LLC  |  810.923.4582  |  dawn@dmtartistry.com