A Beautiful Blend of Photography and Design: Limiteditions Photography

18 06 2010

Handling everything from family, professional and senior pictures, to commercial photography and custom album and design work – Karen Huckabone of Limiteditions Photography is the definition of gifted AND versatile.

But like many successful artists, Karen’s packed appointment book was hindering the evolution of her own marketing materials. When the time came to update both her logo and website, she called on DMT Artistry to make it happen!

Karen has a well-developed eye for design, so I was determined to produce something she would be proud to have her name on.

The First Challenge: The original logo was ready for a time warp and personality infusion. It’s utilitarian appearance wasn’t reflecting the creativity that Karen uses on a daily basis, or the fun that her clients inevitably have during their photo shoots.

The Second Challenge: Karen’s website was a throwback to an earlier era, when text overruled imagery. As such, it no longer captured the essence of what Limiteditions Photography (and Karen!) had evolved into.

The DMT Solution: I revamped Karen’s formal, upright logo, so that it would exude personality and creativity. Heavier emphasis on her name symbolizes the personal connection Karen forms with her clients. Dimension was added with complimentary swirl graphics.

For Karen’s website, we took the emphasis off of text content, and placed it squarely on Karen’s masterpieces – her photography and design. A warm, contemporary color scheme and swirl imagery coordinates beautifully with her new logo design. This, combined with Karen’s wonderful writing skills, resulted in the new and improved www.LimiteditionsPhotography.com! (Limiteditions can also be found on Facebook – click here!)

DMT Artistry, LLC logo design for Limiteditions Photography
Limiteditions Photography logo

DMT Artistry, LLC website design for Limiteditions Photography
Limiteditions Photography new website

Ready for a marketing materials renovation? Contact me any time for a free quote:

Dawn M. Tomczyk  |  DMT Artistry, LLC  |  810.923.4582  |  dawn@dmtartistry.com